Google defines freedom as, ‘The state of not being imprisoned or enslaved’. Following this defintion, one would imagine that freedom is an inevitable exigency. Or is it?

Society customarily spews out utterances such as, ‘Be free!’, ‘Do you!’ and so on. Innumerable people follow through with these statements, but instead of being greeted with the appraisals and encouragement they expect to arrive to, they are rapidly shut down. Welcome to the real world. The real world where society will tell you, ‘Be you! No! Not like that’.

Before I proceed, I have a question to ask. Has the phrase, ‘Be you! No! Not like that!’ ever sparked questions within you? Yes? Amazeballs, I’ll proceed. The phrase, ‘Be you! No! Not like that! is a deadly weapon used to subtly control people. Arms, used to manipulate peoples minds into robotically believing that the notion of social acceptance, leads to ‘freedom’. The type of controlling manipulation, which promotes fear and hostility against anything falling short of what is considered to be a ‘social norm’. The question is, what is normal? Isn’t normal something we become so accustomed to, we no longer refer to it as ‘weird or abstract’? Why does the concept of freeness scare society so immensely?.. Why does the idea of being free and different scare you so much? Yes you. Answer it.

Delving into the concept of freedom left me with some questions. This ostensible ‘freedom’ that is habitually spoken on, explored.. and dissected, does it actually exist? Are we actually free? Or is it all an illusion?

After meticulously thinking, I came to a definitive conclusion. Authentic liberation is a thorough understanding of the ploys society indulges in. The ploys which consist of selling a facade. To me, true liberation does not comprise of waiting around for society to come along and shout, ‘Hey there! Be free!’. True liberation comes from within. It is a conscious decision, a realisation, and a journey you decide to embark upon.

Yes, from the moment you decide to free yourselves from the shackles of mental bondage and slavery, outsiders will inevitably supply their own insights on matters they lack the sufficient knowledge on. Nonetheless, when real liberation consumes you, paying little to no attention to outsiders will become an accustomed skill.

The truth is, society’s ‘freedom’, is a subtle deception. Freedom is decided upon by you. You and you alone. Remember, do not allow yourself to be material for the manufacturers. Steer clear from being instruments to the tool master. Stand strong, regardless.