All the definitions provided are based on my own personal interpretations. 

Accountability – Consciously making a decision to hold yourself responsible for your errors and mistakes.

Lala land –

  1. A particular mindset a person possesses, that consists of numerous facades, deceptions and the inability/refusal to grasp onto the realities of life.                                                    
  2.   A mental state that is so far beyond grasping the realities of life, that referring to a person who consists of Lala land traits as an indigene of Lala land, is the only logical thing to do.

Alafia Bitters – A West African herbal tonic, which is best known by its users for its extreme bitterness. 

Say it with your chest – If you are going to say or do something, keep it real and own it. 

Take it with your chest – There are certain utterances or written statements, that those who either know you on a personal level, or have a decent understanding of you may state based on their observations of you. It may not be visually pleasing to your ears, but these statements are made out of genuine care. Humility will take you to positive places. I’d like to vehemently state that, taking it with your chest only applies when the party stating their observations, have a genuine positive agenda, and both parties usually enjoy a positive friendship/relationship/atmosphere. Please, do not get me misconstrued.

A few days ago I was in an Art gallery as per usual, sitting in the lounge area, loosing myself amongst my multifarious perpetual thoughts. Whilst mentally eloping from my current settings, a particular reoccurring theme steadily penetrated my mind. This protruding motif that had managed to escape the congested and narrow path of my thoughts, was none other than the amazeballs concept of accountability. Accountability, and the lack of it.

I am often exposed to the concept of growth, progress, positive change etc. Occasionally hearing about the magnitude of change and growth that is craved for by some people. Thought processes of commendable natures if you ask me. Aligning yourself with primarily bettering yourself, above all other secondary needs and wants is the start of a beautiful journey. In saying this however, I do not live in Lala land and therefore prohibit myself from ever attempting to dwell in such a rather worrying atmosphere. That’s a huge no from me. I have always been a realist, and therefore cease to affiliate myself with empty utterances that stem from temporary emotions.

The consistent use of hurling around words of substance in sporadic manners, has become a practised and overlooked norm in this society we live in. A norm that is ever so often explored, without conscientiously understanding the weight of the utterances emitted. In regards to the quest for growth, utterances spewed out in emotionally flamboyant manners, are simply not enough to thoroughly understand and attain the positive growth and change you seek for. Important ingredients are often left out of the equation. Let us explore an analogy. I want to bake a cake, but I am only in possession of flour instead of all the ingredients. E.g. baking powder, sugar, butter and so on. The cake not being a success is inevitable. Why? Because all the necessary fundamental and important ingredients are not present. Applying this analogy to the concept of growth, intertwining accountability, reveals underlining issues.

The lack of accountability in this generation in particular, is incredibly high. What strikes me especially, is the contrast in the want for change, versus how many people are actually willing to take the necessary steps to obtain the change they seek for. People want to experience positive changes and growth in their life, but, ‘God punish you!’ if you ever suggest they look closely at themselves, and assess the root problem/s before passing blames. People want to avoid making repetitive errors, and expel the ceaseless stagnancy in their life, but, ‘God punish you!’ if you ever attempt to make them understand the need for accountability in their life. 

For those of you living in Lala Land, I am here to wake you up from your slumber. Demanding for positive change, growth and progress, yet refusing to take responsibility when you encounter stumbling blocks that were either unconsciously or consciously placed there by you, or put there by a primary party where you played the role of the secondary party, is not going to work in your favour in the longterm.  How do you intend to encounter and experience positive changes and mental growth, when you are your own enemy? We come from a generation that encourages praises and caressing of egos when mistakes are made, instead of raw truths. Do not get lost in the stew. People opt for chicken stock seasoned lies, as an alternative for Alafia Bitters truths. Do not get lost in the stew. If I may ask, praise you for what? Why should you be praised for an error you made, and gladly boast about? Pride and egos are often the common denominators when it comes to the concept of being stagnant. 

It is all in the mind.

It is your mentality and your mentality alone, that will reveal whether or not you are able to thoroughly understand the importance of accountability. Once you are able to understand the need for accountability, putting aside your feelings and emotions, and dealing with issues using your head will be a norm for you. Depending on your mindset and character, in substitute of your temporary and unstable feelings and emotions, is one of the signs an individual is maturing. Positively growing as an individual, is much more important than fulfilling your temporary gratifications.      


  1. Do not get lost in the stew.
  2. If you can say it with your chest, then you can take it with your chest.

I hope you allow everything discussed in this piece to marinate and hopefully resonate within you.